Modifiers | Data

Modifiers | Data









Filter tag

Filters out all the objects tagged with the chosen tag(s).




  • Geometry: The geometry to be filtered.

  • All Tags of: All objects with these tag(s) are let through.

  • No Tags of: All objects with these tag(s) are blocked.


Marks an object with a custom tag.

  • Target: The target geometry.

  • Tag: The custom tag.

  • Mode: Select add or remove.

Basic logic (booleans)

A logic gate (And, Or, Xor) between two boolean values (true or false) that outputs another boolean as the result.


  • Operation: Choose between Or, Xor or And.

  • A & B: Enter a fixed value here, or link a node like a slider.

Basic logic

Uses a logic comparison (equals, is bigger than..., smaller than... etc.) between two values and outputs a boolean (true or false) to represent whether the statement is true or false.

  • Operation: Choose between ==, >, <, <=, >=.

  • A & B: Enter a fixed value here, or link a node like a slider.

Basic math

Applies basic calculations (+, -, x, /) between two values.

  • Operation: Choose between add, subtract, multiply and divide.

  • A & B: Enter a fixed value here, or link a node like a slider.

String query

Depending on what query you’ve set, checks if the target string (Text) equals, contains, starts with or ends with a certain string of characters (Other) and returns the corresponding boolean value.

  • Text: Target string

  • Other: Keyword

  • Query: Choose between: Equals, Contains, Starts with or Ends with

  • Case Sensitive: Define whether uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct (Yes) or equivalent (No).

String template

Builds a text string (URL, filename, …) from a template

This modifier takes a template as input. This template is a combination of fixed blocks of text (including numbers and punctuation marks) and placeholders that later will be defined by inputs. Placeholders can be added by adding a number in square brackets, starting with [1] and going up. The string template modifier replaces all placeholders by their string inputs.

Note: save and refresh after you set up the template to make the input dots appear on the node.

  • Template: The string template.

Text variable

The text variable allows you to reuse the same text value across the graph. When changing this value, the graph will follow.

Just enter the wanted text in the node and connect to all the text inputs that need it.

  • Viewer Value: Enter the value that you want to use. Only 1 value can be used per node.

  • Export Value: If the exported object needs a different value than the viewed object use the one meant for export here. Otherwise repeat the first value.

Numeric variable

The numeric variable allows you to reuse the same numeric value across the graph. When changing this value, the graph will follow.

Just enter a numeric value in the node and connect to all the numeric inputs that nee it.

  • Viewer Value: Enter the value that you want to use. Only 1 value can be used per node.

  • Export Value: If the exported object needs a different value than the viewed object use the one meant for export here. Otherwise repeat the first value.

Resource fetcher

Fetches the resource from the chosen URL and outputs it.

  • URL: URL of a given resource to fetch.

  • Fallback URL: Description coming soon

  • Interpretation Type: The expected resource type.

  • Ignore errors: Description coming soon

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